About our club
Capel Cricket Club was founded in 1892 and was reformed in 2010 to bring cricket back to Capel, it is now a thriving club offering men’s, ladies’ and junior cricket.
Capel Cricket Club was founded in 1892 at the instigation of the Rev. G. L. Lachlan, who became its first captain. He wanted to provide a suitable activity for the men of Five Oak Green, and at a meeting in the King’s Head a committee was formed, with matches played on a field provided by Mr. Baker of the Quarry Hill Brewery. From then on, even during the war years, cricket played a central role in village life, the team members, as they are today, mainly living or working in the Parish of Capel.
In the 1930s an attractive pavilion was built in memory of team member Tom Tolhurst, son of a local prominent farming family who died tragically young in a road accident. Matches were originally played only on Saturdays, but in 1946 Sunday games were allowed.